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Daily Update

Update: Sept 4

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Jackson and I have just ordered dinner at a nice restaurant next to the marina. Mike (our Erie mechanic) wants to make sure a repair he made in a small leak is sound before we head out..and I’m inclined to agree with him. So hopefully we will get everything checked […]

Daily Update

Sept 4 Update

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After a long few days in the road, we are anxiously awaiting a couple of leisurely days on the water! We arrived at the marina last night and opened up the windows on Neverland and started making preparations to have the boat launched in the water today. We are behind […]

Daily Update

Boatyard Work Weekend

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After a LONG drive to Erie, I was able to get an in depth look at the damage we suffered to the stern tube. It looks a little worse than I had anticipated, unfortunately. I’ll be making some inquiries as to repairs and hopefully Neverland will be back in the […]

Daily Update

Hello Lake Erie

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Hi friends and family! Today started at first light, as we were shooting for a rather optimistic target for mileage. We cast off and started the last little bit of the Erie Canal. Things were going well until we reached Buffalo. We found that Black Rock Lock that bypasses the […]

Daily Update

Go West

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Hello friends and family! It has been a LONG two days. I’ll try to sum up as well as I can. We arrived at the marina around 1:00am on Thursday morning and quickly boarded Neverland and went straight to sleep. We had previously talked with the marina owners and they […]

Daily Update

Locked Up

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Hello Friends and Family!         This morning we woke up just before 7am to catch the lock right after Amsterdam, New York. We were expecting to have company by the time we made it down to the lock, since it is beneficial to start your day when the locks […]

Daily Update

West Bound and Down

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 Hello Friends and Family!         Today started early at around 6:45am in Waterford, New York at lock #2 at the start of the Erie Canal. Right at 7:00am the first lock opened, and luckily enough we were able to squeeze behind two other boats and catch the first […]

Daily Update

North Bound and Down

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 Hello Friends and Family!         We apologize for not updating the blog last night, however, after a 15 hour day on the water we were more than ready to turn in for the night. We spent the night just south of Jones Point on the Hudson River at anchorage […]

Daily Update

New York State of Mind

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        Hello Friends and Family! Today began early in the AM in New Rochelle, New York with a breakfast that consisted of calculating out the right time to hit Hell Gate which is the intersection just before Roosevelt Island where the Harlem River meets the East River. We went […]

Daily Update

Connecticut Set Us Free

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 Hello friends and family!  We got an early start this morning, grabbing some fuel for our new reserve starboard fuel tank and leaving the marina at 7:15 am.  Nervous is the best way to describe the morning as we headed West down Long Island Sound. Slowly, the hours passed and […]

Daily Update

Three Steps Forward, Three Steps Back

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 We’ve been stranded for days at sea, surviving on raw fish we speared with a stick whittled from a piece of deck railing…Jackson may have salmonella…losing his will to live minute by minute… Just kidding..we needed some comedy relief! We left the marina this morning at 10:45 after the mechanic […]

Daily Update

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

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 Good evening family and friends! We launched this morning around 9:30.  The guys with the lift are really interesting to watch as they haul the boat to the lift site. All systems go!  Neverland started right up and we did a quick check on the transmission before heading out to […]

Daily Update

Ready for Launch, We Think

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 Good morning, family and friends.  A long couple of days behind us.  We arrived in Connecticut  on Sunday afternoon and spent most of it continuing to finish up with the mechanical work. On Monday, the goal was to pull the flywheel to check behind it.  We needed to make sure […]

Daily Update

Repairing the Damper Plate

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 Spent the weekend changing out the broken damper plate.  What a job!  Things went fairly well, although I ended up spending a LOT of time on a stuck bellhousing bolt, and then needed to construct a small crane to help lift the transmission out of the way.  I ran out […]

Daily Update

Afternoon UPDATE

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Well, bad news. The boat cannot be fixed immediately. We will need to track down the part and see when it can be lined up for installation. So the boat is going to be here in Connecticut for a time. It’s sad, but we are really thankful that Neverland will […]

Daily Update

Morning UPDATE

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Ready to head out at 6:00 am this morning. When we placed the boat in gear, we heard a disturbing sound coming from the engine room. Based on what it sounded like, I think we’ve lost the flex plate that sits like a clutch between the engine and transmission. A […]

Daily Update

Faked Out

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Hi friends and family! Got an early start today and it paid off! Woke at 4:45 am and pulled up anchor at 5:25 am. We hit the Atlantic when she was in a very good mood, nice and calm..and even glassy when we got to Fishers Island. We put in […]

Daily Update

And so it begins!

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Hi friends and family! Totally exhausted so this will be quick. We really wanted to get an early start, but mother nature had different plans. FOG. We woke up to a real pea-souper. We didn’t even fire the engine up until 9:30, and even then we had to proceed very […]