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Daily Update

Afternoon UPDATE

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Well, bad news. The boat cannot be fixed immediately. We will need to track down the part and see when it can be lined up for installation. So the boat is going to be here in Connecticut for a time. It’s sad, but we are really thankful that Neverland will […]

Daily Update

Morning UPDATE

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Ready to head out at 6:00 am this morning. When we placed the boat in gear, we heard a disturbing sound coming from the engine room. Based on what it sounded like, I think we’ve lost the flex plate that sits like a clutch between the engine and transmission. A […]

Daily Update

Faked Out

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Hi friends and family! Got an early start today and it paid off! Woke at 4:45 am and pulled up anchor at 5:25 am. We hit the Atlantic when she was in a very good mood, nice and calm..and even glassy when we got to Fishers Island. We put in […]

Daily Update

And so it begins!

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Hi friends and family! Totally exhausted so this will be quick. We really wanted to get an early start, but mother nature had different plans. FOG. We woke up to a real pea-souper. We didn’t even fire the engine up until 9:30, and even then we had to proceed very […]