“..low bridges, everybody down, low bridges cause we’re coming to town..”
Hello friends and family!
That line is from the Erie Canal song I learned in 4-H in 4th grade. Today we went under 12 drawbridges, and that song was stuck in my head all day.
We started the day at 7:00 am when they lifted the first drawbridge we were moored near last night. We then began a long day of calling bridges on the radio and having them lifted so we could pass.

We had quite a bit of traffic all day, but the weather was nice and we actually had eagles flying over us for a brief time near Middleport.

We also went through an interesting section where the Erie Canal actually goes OVER a road!

We had a very long run to the last two locks in the canal, 34 and 35. These two lock are actually connected, you exit 34 into 35. They are huge locks and when we went into the second chamber, there was a large tourist paddle boat in there, so we had to get as close to the wall as possible. When we started up, one of the cables got hung on Neverland’s railing and we were able to swing it off just in time, before it ripped the railing off. Whew.

We said goodbye to the Erie locks and never looked back. So happy to have them behind us, all 35.
Went to a local brewery here tonight near our mooring at West Canal Public Dock. We’re back on the boat doing planning for tomorrow and watching Formula One qualifying. I’m not sure we’ll stay awake til the finish!