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Thanks for the Memories, New York

Hello friends and family!

Sorry for the late update, but we had a very long and busy day yesterday!

The morning started off with us grabbing coffee in the rain at a store near the Public Dock in Dunkirk, NY. As the dark skies slowly became a little lighter, we fired up Neverland’s diesel and let her warm up for 15 minutes before setting off toward North East Marina.

An early morning start

We weren’t yet a half mile off shore before we realized we were in for a rough trip. 2 to 4 foot waves were already giving us fits, and the wind was whipping straight out of the north, making for a very rough ride. Both of us suffered some pretty miserable seasickness. We held on, aimed Neverland west, and tried to concentrate on the horizon.

A brief period of calmer waters

Four hours later, we crossed into Pennsylvania and were in sight of the marina, which is completely surrounded by a breakwater wall. The entrance is a small gap in the wall, which with the horrible conditions, made for a tricky entry. Threading the needle is the term that comes to mind.

The very narrow and challenging entrance

Once inside the walled marina, the wind was still giving us fits as we finally were able to get into a slip and tie off. Stepping on land did little to help our wobbly legs. Lake Erie had taken a lot out of us.

The walled fortress..I mean marina

We summoned an Uber and took the 30 minute trip to the Erie, Pennsylvania airport where we rented a car and started the journey home. We arrived in Chattanooga at 11:30 pm last night, exhausted.

The boat is safe and secure and we’ll now start planning our next trip, as soon as everything stops spinning!

Neverland getting a much deserved rest